Friday, July 11, 2014

Another Vanishing Point

Recently received some feedback from a couple of friends that said they loved the vanishing point post. So this post is for you!

Sunrise in Queens
Canon 60D, Tokina Pro DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8, f/4, 1/320s, 640ISO, 16mm
Living in New York City, I am constantly seeing vanishing points. The straight railroad tracks of the commuter railroads and subways, the grid pattern of streets in Manhattan, the rising modern skyscrappers, I can't escape them!

34th Street Vanishing Point
Canon 60D, Tokina Pro DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8, f/4, 1/50s, 100ISO, 11mm
This shot of 34th Street was taken from a rooftop, about 9 stories high. This was a single image, but due to the lighting conditions, I ended up creating an HDR image out of the single RAW file. I will share this processes in a future post.

Wild Asia Monorail Wait
Canon 60D, EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6, f/8, 1/400s, 800ISO, 75mm
This shot from the Bronx Zoo is from a telephoto lens I inherited from my uncle. My family and I are members of the Wildlife Conservation Society, which grants us admission to four zoos and an aquarium. Needless to say, we take full advantage of our membership and are at a zoo a lot. 

Highline Park
Canon 60D, EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6, f/8, 1/125s, 400ISO, 18mm
 Highline Park is a park that was built on the remnants of a former elevated freight train line on the West Side of Manhattan in the Chelsea neighborhood. It is a recent addition to the city, the park that is, the elevated structure was completed in 1934. Interstate trucking reduced the need for the elevated line, leading to destruction of the southern section in the 60s, and the last freight train was in 1980.

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