Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Philly Wide Angle Wednesday

Gutter Punk
Canon 60D, Tokina Pro DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8, f/8, 1/1000sec, 640ISO, 13mm
As stated earlier, we had taken a quick weekend trip to Philadelphia near the end of February. Cheesesteak was consumed while there, and a walk around the old areas near Independence Hall was the sight seeing for the last day there. I loved looking at the old streets preserved, with the gutter running down the center of the street.

Philosophical Hall
Canon 60D, Tokina Pro DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8, f/8, 1/1000sec, 640ISO, 13mm
The Philosophical Hall had caught my eye when we were across the street at the Independence Square. It had a statue of Benjamin Franklin, which isn't surprising considering he was a Philadelphian. Research has taught me that this building was built in 1785-1789, though it took a large donation from Mr. Franklin. It is the home of the American Philosophical Society, and remains the only privately owned building in Independence Square. 

Unedited Shot
I also have posted the same photograph, straight from the camera without any edits to it. Since I shoot in RAW, every photo needs a little adjustments. If my camera was to record in JPEG, it would choose what edits to do, but I prefer to adjust the contrast, sharpening, etc myself. I also use the Lightroom Lens Correction to get my wide angle shots corrected, so the lines are straight instead of converging. A tilt-shift lens would correct this problem in camera, but they are the cost of a new camera body!

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